17sep(sep 17)22:0820(sep 20)22:08JSA/WAO JOINT CONGRESS 2020

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Dátum: 17-20 September 2020 Lokalita: Kyoto, Japonsko Dear colleagues and friends, On behalf of the Japanese Society of Allergology (JSA) organizing committee, it is my pleasure and great honor to invite you to attend the
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Dátum: 17-20 September 2020
Lokalita: Kyoto, Japonsko
Dear colleagues and friends,
On behalf of the Japanese Society of Allergology (JSA) organizing committee, it is my pleasure and great honor to invite you to attend the JSA/WAO Joint Congress 2020, held from September 17 to 20, 2020 in Kyoto, Japan. It is our third time that the JSA co-hosts the World Allergy Congress after 30 years, and this time, the congress will also be held in conjunction with the APAAACI/APAPARI 2020 Congress.
As the premier event in the fields of allergy/immunology, we ensure to make this joint congress a great success by offering participants with an invaluable educational experience as well as the opportunity to explore new scientific discoveries and relevant key updates in major areas of the field.
We will also plan to hold several social activities for attendees to deepen their long friendship, as well as to establish new ones.
The host city, Kyoto, is the ancient capital of Japan and is recognized worldwide as the country’s historical, cultural and spiritual heart. The city offers you numerous cultural and unique experiences with its countless shrines, temples, and architectural masterpieces including 17 UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites.
Needless to say, you can also enjoy very modern aspects of Japan.
The year 2020 is surely one of the most exciting years for Japan, as we are hosting the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in the metropolitan Tokyo just before this joint congress. We are developing many services and technologies to welcome and entertain foreign visitors with the spirit of “O-Mo-Te-Na-Shi,” and it will be the perfect timing for JSA/WAO Join Congress participants to observe how we are accomplished with the hospitality and enchantment, and enjoy every aspect of Japan.
We look forward to welcoming you in Kyoto, September 2020!
17 (štvrtok) 22:08 - 20 (Nedeľa) 22:08
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