02decCelý deň06IDF Congress 2019
Detaily udalosti
Dátum konania: pondelok, 2. december 2019 až piatok, 6. december 2019 Miesto konania:
Detaily udalosti
The IDF Congress is a core activity of the Federation, offering a global platform to discuss a broad range of diabetes issues, from latest scientific advances to cutting-edge information on education, diabetes care, advocacy and awareness. Participants include physicians, scientists, nurses, educators and other healthcare professionals, as well as government representatives, policy makers, people with diabetes, IDF members and media.
The IDF Congress is held every two years in a different location around the world. From its first congress held in Leiden, the Netherlands, in 1952 to the most recent congress in Abu Dhabi in 2017, the number of participants has grown from a few hundred to over 12,000 delegates from 180 countries.
The IDF Congress is complemented by a series of live educational events focusing on diabetes complications, the first of which took place in Hyderabad, India, in October 2018.
december 2 (Pondelok) - 6 (Piatok)
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